What Happens if You Get Multiple DUIs in Colorado? 

The Law Office of Christopher H. Cessna 
Glass of Whiskey with car keys and handcuffs

Being charged with a DUI can have severe consequences on your life, income, and mobility. Also, the penalties continue to increase significantly with each successive offense. In Colorado, the legal system takes a particularly stern approach towards repeat DUI offenders, which is why The Law Office of Christopher H. Cessna is ready to stand up for your rights. 

Understanding the Administrative vs. Criminal Penalties 

When charged with multiple DUIs in Colorado, it's crucial to distinguish between administrative and criminal penalties.

Administrative penalties are enforced by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and can include license suspension or revocation, while criminal penalties are imposed by the court system. 

Administrative Penalties 

  • License Suspension: Immediate suspension upon DUI charge, with the possibility of a hearing to contest the suspension. 

  • Ignition Interlock Device: Requirement for installation in your vehicle, often before driving privileges are reinstated. 

  • Reinstatement Requirements: Completion of alcohol education programs and payment of reinstatement fees. 

Criminal Penalties 

  • Fines and Jail Time: Defined by the severity of the offense, including mandatory minimum sentencing for repeat offenses. 

  • Probation and Community Service: Supervised probation and mandated community service hours. 

  • Long-Term Consequences: Such as felony classification on the fourth offense, leading to imprisonment and lasting impacts on civil rights. 

Increased Penalties for Multiple Offenses 

Second DUI Offense 

A second DUI offense in Colorado is met with harsher penalties compared to a first-time DUI. Here’s what you can expect: 

  • Fines: $600 to $1,500. 

  • Jail time: Minimum of 10 days, up to one year in county jail. 

  • License suspension: One year, potentially extended to two years if the previous conviction was within five years. 

  • Community service: 48 to 120 hours. 

  • Probation: Up to four years. 

  • Mandatory enrollment in alcohol education and therapy: Plus, you may need to attend a DUI treatment program. 

Third DUI Offense 

The consequences escalate further for a third DUI

  • Fines: $600 to $1,500. 

  • Jail time: 60 days to one year, including a mandatory 60-day consecutive period. 

  • License suspension: Two years. 

  • Community service: 48 to 120 hours. 

  • Probation: Up to four years. 

  • Alcohol education and therapy: Level II program, with mandatory DUI treatment programs often required. 

  • Ignition interlock device: Mandatory installation for at least two years after license reinstatement. 

Felony DUI Charges 

Once you reach a fourth DUI offense, the state of Colorado classifies the crime as a felony, which comes with even more severe penalties: 

  • Fines: Up to $500,000. 

  • Prison time: Two to six years in a state prison, with an additional three-year mandatory parole period. 

  • License consequences: Potential permanent revocation of your driving privileges. 

  • Community service: Mandated by the court. 

  • Probation: Length determined by the court, often with intensive supervision. 

  • Alcohol education and therapy: Court-mandated, usually involving rigorous and extensive programs. 

  • Additional long-term consequences: Loss of civil rights, such as the right to vote or own firearms, and a lasting criminal record. 

Aggravating Factors 

Certain circumstances can exacerbate the penalties for multiple DUI offenses. These aggravating factors include: 

  • High BAC levels: A BAC of 0.15% or higher classifies you as a persistent drunk driver (PDD), which leads to more severe penalties such as extended mandatory jail sentences. 

  • Causing an accident: DUI charges resulting in an accident with injuries can bring additional charges, such as vehicular assault, which are classified as felonies. 

  • Driving with minors: Having children in the vehicle during a DUI offense can result in increased fines, jail time, and additional charges of child endangerment. 

Impact on Employment and Professional Licenses 

Multiple DUI offenses can significantly affect your ability to maintain employment, particularly in fields requiring driving or professional licensure. 

Employment Consequences 

  • Job loss: Potential termination from positions involving driving or heavy machinery operation. 

  • Difficulty finding new employment: A criminal record may hinder job prospects, especially in fields like transportation, healthcare, and education. 

Professional Licensing 

  • License revocation or suspension: Professions such as healthcare providers, lawyers, and commercial drivers face the risk of license suspension or revocation. 

  • Mandatory reporting: Obligations to report DUI convictions to state licensing boards, potentially leading to disciplinary actions. 

Financial Implications 

The financial burden of multiple DUI offenses can be overwhelming, encompassing fines, legal fees, increased insurance premiums, and more. 

Direct Costs 

  • Fines and court fees: As outlined earlier, fines can escalate quickly with repeat offenses. 

  • Legal representation: Hiring an experienced DUI attorney can be expensive but is often necessary for navigating the legal system. 

Indirect Costs 

  • Increased insurance rates: Premiums can skyrocket following a DUI conviction, classified as high-risk. 

  • Loss of income: Job loss or suspension can lead to substantial financial stress. 

How The Law Office of Christopher H. Cessna Can Help  

Given the severe consequences and complexity of the legal system in Colorado concerning multiple DUI offenses, having experienced legal representation is crucial.  

Attorney Chris Cessna’s extensive experience helps him identify procedural errors and rights violations to craft a robust defense strategy aimed at mitigating the consequences. 

  • Comprehensive case review: Attorney Cessna meticulously analyzes all elements of the DUI offense, from the traffic stop's legality to the accuracy of sobriety tests, ensuring your rights are protected. 

  • Plea negotiations: Where possible, he explores plea bargains that reduce charges or penalties. 

  • Trial representation: With over two decades of DUI defense experience, Attorney Cessna is equipped to represent you effectively in court. 

Strong & Dependable Legal Representation  

Multiple DUI offenses in Colorado carry increasingly severe penalties, ranging from significant fines to mandatory jail sentences, and even potential felony charges. Understanding the ramifications and seeking the right legal representation can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.  

If you’re facing multiple DUI charges, contact The Law Office of Christopher H. Cessna for a solid defense to help safeguard your future. The firm helps those charged with DUIs in Arvada, Colorado, and throughout Arvada, Denver, including Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Berkley, Westminster, Sherrelwood, Aurora, and beyond.